Are you sure you are paying your employees correctly? In this week’s story, The Accidental Wage Thief Steals Cook Pay, we hear how misunderstanding the FLSA can cause big trouble for your organization. John Thalheimer and Chuck Simikian discuss how organizations can protect themselves against accidental wage theft by better understanding the difference between exempt and non-exempt.
CLICK HERE to hear this interesting podcast.
Chuck Simikian, SHRM-SCP, Principal and Lead Consultant of Alliance HR Partners is the host of HR Stories Podcasts. He is the endorsed service provider of EAF and certified seminar facilitator and speaker for Pryor Learning Solutions. He is a seasoned certified HR professional and author with over 25 years of corporate HR experience spanning all aspects of Human Resources including recruitment, training, employee relations, benefits administration, payroll, and HR compliance. Chuck and his podcast-partner John Thalheimer, help Human Resource Professionals and Business Owners learn the best practices of human resources management.