360 Assessments & Succession Planning

Hire Right. Manage Effectively

Business Results

Business Results helps you hire the right people and manage them more effectively. The right people in the right jobs, managed by effective leaders, yields maximum results at minimum cost. Expert consulting, engaging training, and the combined power of The Predictive Index and CATIL Talent Solutions give you an exclusive edge with cutting-edge talent strategy throughout the employee lifecycle.

You have your business strategy. We help you create a people plan that drives your Business Results. We teach you how to decode the complexities of your people so you can ensure people are in the right jobs, that your teams reach their true potential, and that you achieve your business objectives faster than ever.

Expert Consulting Business Results is a CATIL® Certified Partner, a Predictive Index® (PI) Certified Partner, and Talent Optimization consultancy. We offer expert consulting and strategy with science-based human capital assessments from PI and CATIL, working with growth- and goal-focused companies helping them hire more strategically, manage more effectively, and drive business results.

Top-notch Training Business Results is a PI® Master Training Center and a CATIL® Management Training Center. We offer a wide variety of leadership training programs, including PI and CATIL training, to help you every step of the way so you can maximize the return on your investment.

Proven Science Manage across the hire-to-retire lifecycle with scientifically-validated workforce assessments that provide high-impact insights in minutes. Define behavioral and cognitive job requirements, predict candidates’ behaviors & learning abilities, create high-potential talent programs, assess manager effectiveness with 360 assessments, and more

For more information about the EAF partnership with BusinessResults, please call 407.260.6556 or email us at [email protected].