2016 National Business Trends Survey

EAF Partners with EAA to Produce Results of

2016 National Business Trends Survey

Results of the 2016 National Business Trends Survey indicate that business leaders throughout the nation are optimistic.  93 percent of business leaders expect 2016’s economy to be the same or better than in 2015.  70 percent of businesses are forecasting increases in sales or revenue and 73 expect to invest in people, facilities and/or equipment this year.

While the National Business Trends Survey includes data for the entire country, EAF would like to share information that is more specific to Florida and the Southern Region of the U.S. and to show how these areas compare to the nation at large.


Despite the optimistic outlook, business leaders do admit there are some short- and long-term challenges that are of concern, including:


Business leaders in the U.S., Southern Region and Florida all expect to increase staff in 2016.


The most challenging job groups for recruitment and/or retention across the board are:

  • Professional Staff (non-managers)
  • High Potential Mid-managers
  • Skilled Production Workers

Top Recruitment and Retention Strategies include:

  • Focus on providing existing staff with additional training/development
  • Filling jobs with existing staff that lack job skills but have potential
  • Focus on existing staff retention in jobs where recruitment is difficult
  • Increasing starting salaries

Business leaders expect to implement the following measures in 2016:


For 35 years, the Employers Association Forum (EAF) has served businesses nationwide by providing an array of resources universally relevant to numerous industries. Among these is the annual National Business Trends survey conducted in partnership with the Employers Associations of America (EAA), a not-for-profit national association consisting of 33 regional employer associations. The EAA provides this annual report to business executives, arming them with insight on trends in the categories of business outlook, challenges and investment plans as well as staffing levels, hiring plans, job creation and pay strategies.

EAF’s first and second quarter training and webinar schedule for 2016 offers multiple workshops focused on Building and Enhancing HR Business Partnerships and managing workplace conflicts and will be holding a number of webinars on various business topics. Additional Training and Events have been scheduled throughout the year geared toward topics relevant to business owners. All EAF events and training programs are open to all however EAF members do receive a generous discount. We encourage business owners and leaders to contact us for more information about EAF Membership, so they can benefit from our events as well as the numerous other helpful tools, discounts, partnerships and resources we offer.”